Load data adapted from Mota et al. (2022), Tobias et al. (2022), and Jetz et al. (2014)
Load data adapted from Mota et al. (2022), Tobias et al. (2022), and Jetz et al. (2014)
A list with binary maps of species for the reference and future climate scenarios, species traits, and a rooted phylogenetic tree for the species. The species names across these objects must match!
Mota, F. M. M. et al. 2022. Climate change is expected to restructure forest frugivorous bird communities in a biodiversity hot-point within the Atlantic Forest. - Diversity and Distributions 28: 2886–2897.
Tobias, J. A. et al. 2022. AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds. - Ecology Letters 25: 581–597.
Jetz, W. et al. 2014. Global Distribution and Conservation of Evolutionary Distinctness in Birds. - Current Biology 24: 919–930.
data <- load.data()
#> $ref
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 67, 25, 68 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 0.125, 0.125 (x, y)
#> extent : -41.875, -38.75, -21.375, -13 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
#> source : ref_frugivor.tif
#> names : Amazo~inosa, Amazo~rytha, Amazo~nacea, Arrem~uatus, Arrem~urnus, Ptero~lloni, ...
#> min values : 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ...
#> max values : 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
#> $fut
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 67, 25, 68 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 0.125, 0.125 (x, y)
#> extent : -41.875, -38.75, -21.375, -13 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
#> source : fut_frugivor.tif
#> names : Amazo~inosa, Amazo~rytha, Amazo~nacea, Arrem~uatus, Arrem~urnus, Ptero~lloni, ...
#> min values : 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
#> max values : 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
#> $traits
#> Beak.Length_Culmen Beak.Length_Nares Beak.Width
#> Amazona_farinosa 42.3 35.6 20.5
#> Amazona_rhodocorytha 37.6 29.4 18.0
#> Amazona_vinacea 33.5 24.6 16.2
#> Arremon_semitorquatus 15.2 9.4 5.7
#> Arremon_taciturnus 14.6 10.0 5.5
#> Pteroglossus_bailloni 70.2 62.2 20.9
#> Cacicus_cela 33.7 24.0 7.9
#> Carpornis_cucullata 18.3 9.2 5.6
#> Caryothraustes_canadensis 17.4 11.8 8.5
#> Chiroxiphia_caudata 13.8 7.3 4.0
#> Chiroxiphia_pareola 11.4 6.5 4.4
#> Chlorophanes_spiza 15.9 11.4 4.5
#> Patagioenas_speciosa 24.5 12.3 4.8
#> Cotinga_maculata 17.4 9.8 5.9
#> Crax_blumenbachii 45.7 23.4 15.3
#> Crypturellus_soui 24.2 8.0 4.2
#> Crypturellus_variegatus 33.6 13.7 5.3
#> Cyanerpes_cyaneus 19.4 12.8 3.8
#> Elaenia_mesoleuca 12.5 7.1 4.1
#> Euphonia_cyanocephala 9.4 5.4 4.1
#> Euphonia_pectoralis 10.9 7.6 4.7
#> Euphonia_xanthogaster 10.7 6.0 4.8
#> Ilicura_militaris 9.4 5.2 2.8
#> Iodopleura_pipra 8.2 4.5 3.6
#> Laniisoma_elegans 20.3 13.2 5.4
#> Legatus_leucophaius 13.0 8.3 6.3
#> Lipaugus_lanioides 26.1 16.0 8.0
#> Lipaugus_vociferans 26.9 13.8 8.0
#> Machaeropterus_regulus 9.9 5.6 3.3
#> Manacus_manacus 11.5 6.8 4.4
#> Melanerpes_flavifrons 27.2 20.9 6.5
#> Mionectes_oleagineus 11.8 8.2 4.2
#> Mionectes_rufiventris 14.1 9.3 4.3
#> Neopelma_aurifrons 12.7 8.3 4.2
#> Odontophorus_capueira 21.3 11.7 7.6
#> Oxyruncus_cristatus 17.9 11.3 5.5
#> Pachyramphus_marginatus 14.7 10.1 6.9
#> Patagioenas_plumbea 23.1 12.9 4.3
#> Penelope_obscura 34.5 16.6 10.2
#> Penelope_superciliaris 34.8 16.3 9.9
#> Phibalura_flavirostris 13.8 9.5 6.5
#> Phyllomyias_burmeisteri 11.4 6.9 3.5
#> Pionopsitta_pileata 25.3 19.0 11.6
#> Pipra_pipra 12.0 6.6 4.4
#> Pipra_rubrocapilla 10.4 6.0 3.8
#> Pipraeidea_melanonota 12.6 7.4 4.8
#> Turdus_flavipes 21.7 11.0 5.0
#> Procnias_nudicollis 27.0 10.9 7.1
#> Psarocolius_decumanus 51.8 34.1 11.2
#> Pteroglossus_aracari 99.1 93.4 27.7
#> Pyroderus_scutatus 42.5 26.3 13.8
#> Pyrrhura_cruentata 22.8 19.1 12.1
#> Ramphastos_dicolorus 104.3 100.0 30.1
#> Schiffornis_turdina 17.0 9.7 4.9
#> Schiffornis_virescens 13.9 8.6 3.8
#> Selenidera_maculirostris 55.0 47.8 19.3
#> Stephanophorus_diadematus 14.1 8.7 6.4
#> Tachyphonus_cristatus 15.9 11.1 5.6
#> Tangara_cyanocephala 10.9 8.0 4.0
#> Tangara_cyanoventris 12.0 7.7 4.0
#> Tangara_desmaresti 12.6 7.9 4.3
#> Tangara_seledon 11.8 7.7 5.1
#> Thraupis_cyanoptera 17.9 10.0 6.4
#> Tinamus_solitarius 37.9 11.4 5.8
#> Touit_melanonotus 18.9 14.3 8.8
#> Trogon_viridis 25.2 15.0 10.1
#> Turdus_fumigatus 24.2 13.8 5.0
#> Xipholena_atropurpurea 18.3 10.2 5.2
#> Beak.Depth Tarsus.Length Wing.Length Kipps.Distance
#> Amazona_farinosa 35.4 26.6 244.9 68.7
#> Amazona_rhodocorytha 31.0 22.3 210.0 62.6
#> Amazona_vinacea 26.7 21.5 214.2 67.3
#> Arremon_semitorquatus 7.7 25.2 70.0 4.2
#> Arremon_taciturnus 7.3 23.8 72.0 7.9
#> Pteroglossus_bailloni 26.0 33.0 129.0 18.9
#> Cacicus_cela 11.8 29.8 145.3 39.5
#> Carpornis_cucullata 6.8 23.3 113.6 22.4
#> Caryothraustes_canadensis 11.2 20.5 90.8 15.8
#> Chiroxiphia_caudata 4.6 19.8 75.9 13.4
#> Chiroxiphia_pareola 4.9 17.8 69.4 8.2
#> Chlorophanes_spiza 4.6 18.9 68.3 16.7
#> Patagioenas_speciosa 6.0 23.7 184.7 65.5
#> Cotinga_maculata 5.3 22.5 114.2 29.7
#> Crax_blumenbachii 23.3 110.0 384.0 33.9
#> Crypturellus_soui 3.9 36.4 127.5 32.9
#> Crypturellus_variegatus 5.0 41.1 155.4 50.1
#> Cyanerpes_cyaneus 3.6 13.7 60.9 15.7
#> Elaenia_mesoleuca 3.8 16.0 80.0 17.7
#> Euphonia_cyanocephala 4.1 14.5 64.2 18.6
#> Euphonia_pectoralis 5.3 15.9 61.1 13.6
#> Euphonia_xanthogaster 4.8 16.4 61.4 13.7
#> Ilicura_militaris 3.1 17.8 61.2 13.8
#> Iodopleura_pipra 3.5 13.9 56.6 13.7
#> Laniisoma_elegans 6.1 22.5 103.5 26.9
#> Legatus_leucophaius 4.6 15.1 78.5 20.1
#> Lipaugus_lanioides 8.3 24.6 133.8 22.8
#> Lipaugus_vociferans 7.3 21.4 123.1 20.9
#> Machaeropterus_regulus 3.1 13.9 52.9 12.5
#> Manacus_manacus 4.2 20.9 52.2 8.4
#> Melanerpes_flavifrons 6.7 18.8 117.0 31.2
#> Mionectes_oleagineus 3.4 16.0 60.5 10.5
#> Mionectes_rufiventris 3.8 16.2 68.4 9.2
#> Neopelma_aurifrons 4.3 15.7 71.0 15.1
#> Odontophorus_capueira 13.1 37.8 146.8 15.2
#> Oxyruncus_cristatus 5.6 20.7 92.2 24.0
#> Pachyramphus_marginatus 5.2 18.5 67.7 15.0
#> Patagioenas_plumbea 5.1 23.1 177.8 61.9
#> Penelope_obscura 12.0 70.6 309.4 14.6
#> Penelope_superciliaris 11.0 71.8 248.6 34.1
#> Phibalura_flavirostris 6.0 19.3 99.0 32.9
#> Phyllomyias_burmeisteri 3.4 15.3 63.9 14.9
#> Pionopsitta_pileata 17.5 14.5 140.0 49.8
#> Pipra_pipra 4.1 14.1 62.0 10.6
#> Pipra_rubrocapilla 4.1 12.6 61.2 11.5
#> Pipraeidea_melanonota 5.0 17.9 80.1 21.4
#> Turdus_flavipes 5.7 25.7 110.6 28.6
#> Procnias_nudicollis 5.9 29.4 148.4 35.1
#> Psarocolius_decumanus 17.8 46.5 198.6 49.1
#> Pteroglossus_aracari 32.6 34.5 143.1 22.4
#> Pyroderus_scutatus 15.5 38.0 231.0 41.0
#> Pyrrhura_cruentata 22.7 15.7 147.4 59.5
#> Ramphastos_dicolorus 33.4 46.1 191.8 26.9
#> Schiffornis_turdina 6.0 22.1 92.1 14.1
#> Schiffornis_virescens 4.5 21.4 80.2 12.5
#> Selenidera_maculirostris 22.4 31.8 130.7 19.4
#> Stephanophorus_diadematus 7.5 23.2 98.2 20.4
#> Tachyphonus_cristatus 6.9 18.2 76.2 14.2
#> Tangara_cyanocephala 4.9 16.4 61.5 13.6
#> Tangara_cyanoventris 4.7 18.1 67.0 12.7
#> Tangara_desmaresti 4.7 18.9 71.0 14.2
#> Tangara_seledon 5.2 15.9 64.2 14.4
#> Thraupis_cyanoptera 7.8 20.8 96.1 24.0
#> Tinamus_solitarius 6.0 73.1 261.5 35.1
#> Touit_melanonotus 13.3 10.2 107.5 45.1
#> Trogon_viridis 11.7 14.2 146.1 50.6
#> Turdus_fumigatus 6.7 31.0 113.5 23.9
#> Xipholena_atropurpurea 5.4 20.3 110.2 24.0
#> Secondary1 Hand.Wing.Index Tail.Length Mass
#> Amazona_farinosa 177.2 27.9 135.0 625.99
#> Amazona_rhodocorytha 146.7 29.9 115.0 474.34
#> Amazona_vinacea 145.0 31.6 121.8 254.00
#> Arremon_semitorquatus 65.8 6.1 70.5 25.00
#> Arremon_taciturnus 64.5 10.9 61.3 24.80
#> Pteroglossus_bailloni 110.4 14.5 169.0 146.00
#> Cacicus_cela 104.1 27.2 97.8 85.45
#> Carpornis_cucullata 90.9 19.8 101.8 74.19
#> Caryothraustes_canadensis 72.5 17.8 71.2 34.50
#> Chiroxiphia_caudata 63.0 17.6 57.8 25.60
#> Chiroxiphia_pareola 59.1 12.2 34.4 16.84
#> Chlorophanes_spiza 50.9 24.7 48.2 19.00
#> Patagioenas_speciosa 114.0 36.5 98.3 258.47
#> Cotinga_maculata 84.5 26.0 71.5 65.00
#> Crax_blumenbachii 307.1 9.7 333.8 3500.00
#> Crypturellus_soui 96.4 25.4 47.9 216.16
#> Crypturellus_variegatus 105.5 32.2 44.6 378.00
#> Cyanerpes_cyaneus 44.5 26.0 34.8 14.00
#> Elaenia_mesoleuca 62.2 22.1 66.4 17.60
#> Euphonia_cyanocephala 45.6 28.9 37.8 14.00
#> Euphonia_pectoralis 48.8 21.8 33.9 14.40
#> Euphonia_xanthogaster 47.7 22.4 36.0 13.00
#> Ilicura_militaris 46.9 22.6 50.8 12.70
#> Iodopleura_pipra 43.0 24.1 32.0 10.03
#> Laniisoma_elegans 76.6 26.0 61.0 47.40
#> Legatus_leucophaius 59.2 25.5 55.2 22.20
#> Lipaugus_lanioides 111.0 17.0 116.0 94.80
#> Lipaugus_vociferans 102.1 16.9 110.2 75.42
#> Machaeropterus_regulus 40.2 23.7 22.6 9.34
#> Manacus_manacus 44.5 15.9 32.8 16.70
#> Melanerpes_flavifrons 85.8 26.6 69.5 57.78
#> Mionectes_oleagineus 50.8 17.1 48.2 11.17
#> Mionectes_rufiventris 60.0 13.3 55.0 13.30
#> Neopelma_aurifrons 55.9 21.3 50.0 14.00
#> Odontophorus_capueira 130.1 10.5 75.0 425.40
#> Oxyruncus_cristatus 67.2 26.3 64.3 42.00
#> Pachyramphus_marginatus 53.7 21.8 50.4 18.40
#> Patagioenas_plumbea 115.7 34.9 141.6 178.77
#> Penelope_obscura 286.3 4.9 313.5 1770.00
#> Penelope_superciliaris 217.8 13.5 286.8 894.99
#> Phibalura_flavirostris 66.2 33.2 104.8 46.50
#> Phyllomyias_burmeisteri 48.8 23.3 48.1 11.10
#> Pionopsitta_pileata 89.8 35.8 70.2 119.00
#> Pipra_pipra 51.0 17.3 26.6 11.11
#> Pipra_rubrocapilla 47.0 19.7 31.4 12.00
#> Pipraeidea_melanonota 59.3 26.5 57.8 21.00
#> Turdus_flavipes 81.9 25.9 84.1 65.14
#> Procnias_nudicollis 111.6 24.0 82.6 172.04
#> Psarocolius_decumanus 146.2 24.8 170.3 206.30
#> Pteroglossus_aracari 120.8 15.6 147.0 250.16
#> Pyroderus_scutatus 183.8 18.2 152.2 357.00
#> Pyrrhura_cruentata 88.5 40.2 130.6 75.90
#> Ramphastos_dicolorus 164.9 14.0 181.2 331.00
#> Schiffornis_turdina 74.5 15.9 67.7 31.70
#> Schiffornis_virescens 67.0 15.7 64.2 25.60
#> Selenidera_maculirostris 111.2 14.8 111.3 164.00
#> Stephanophorus_diadematus 77.4 20.8 81.2 35.40
#> Tachyphonus_cristatus 60.0 19.2 70.4 18.80
#> Tangara_cyanocephala 50.4 21.3 44.7 18.00
#> Tangara_cyanoventris 54.0 19.1 48.4 16.50
#> Tangara_desmaresti 56.8 20.0 52.8 20.40
#> Tangara_seledon 49.9 22.4 47.5 18.70
#> Thraupis_cyanoptera 72.1 25.0 66.5 43.30
#> Tinamus_solitarius 223.7 13.7 156.2 1386.41
#> Touit_melanonotus 62.4 42.0 41.8 66.51
#> Trogon_viridis 95.6 34.6 158.4 89.69
#> Turdus_fumigatus 89.6 21.1 90.8 75.70
#> Xipholena_atropurpurea 86.0 21.8 65.1 61.32
#> Habitat Trophic.Niche Range.Size
#> Amazona_farinosa Forest Omnivore 6793599.57
#> Amazona_rhodocorytha Forest Frugivore 2672.56
#> Amazona_vinacea Forest Omnivore 105992.85
#> Arremon_semitorquatus Forest Omnivore 215137.21
#> Arremon_taciturnus Forest Omnivore 6755484.62
#> Pteroglossus_bailloni Forest Frugivore 657171.58
#> Cacicus_cela Forest Omnivore 8569297.31
#> Carpornis_cucullata Forest Frugivore 251722.97
#> Caryothraustes_canadensis Shrubland Omnivore 2650244.99
#> Chiroxiphia_caudata Forest Omnivore 1459549.86
#> Chiroxiphia_pareola Forest Frugivore 5040298.89
#> Chlorophanes_spiza Forest Frugivore 7921066.07
#> Patagioenas_speciosa Forest Frugivore 7713359.51
#> Cotinga_maculata Forest Frugivore 30327.88
#> Crax_blumenbachii Forest Frugivore 1149.72
#> Crypturellus_soui Forest Omnivore 11151222.76
#> Crypturellus_variegatus Forest Omnivore 5436849.92
#> Cyanerpes_cyaneus Forest Omnivore 8340306.15
#> Elaenia_mesoleuca Forest Invertivore 2216525.02
#> Euphonia_cyanocephala Forest Frugivore 2711347.81
#> Euphonia_pectoralis Forest Frugivore 1361244.46
#> Euphonia_xanthogaster Forest Frugivore 3715684.50
#> Ilicura_militaris Forest Frugivore 840759.23
#> Iodopleura_pipra Forest Frugivore 130157.72
#> Laniisoma_elegans Forest Omnivore 172527.96
#> Legatus_leucophaius Forest Frugivore 11371457.31
#> Lipaugus_lanioides Forest Frugivore 201153.30
#> Lipaugus_vociferans Forest Frugivore 7063057.92
#> Machaeropterus_regulus Forest Frugivore 125343.35
#> Manacus_manacus Forest Frugivore 7524946.19
#> Melanerpes_flavifrons Forest Omnivore 1557771.44
#> Mionectes_oleagineus Forest Frugivore 8947569.12
#> Mionectes_rufiventris Forest Invertivore 1057487.40
#> Neopelma_aurifrons Forest Frugivore 5071.66
#> Odontophorus_capueira Forest Omnivore 1724256.70
#> Oxyruncus_cristatus Forest Frugivore 1872045.95
#> Pachyramphus_marginatus Forest Omnivore 6344951.42
#> Patagioenas_plumbea Forest Frugivore 6564806.47
#> Penelope_obscura Forest Frugivore 1012773.03
#> Penelope_superciliaris Forest Frugivore 5614395.75
#> Phibalura_flavirostris Forest Frugivore 1084489.75
#> Phyllomyias_burmeisteri Forest Invertivore 971005.03
#> Pionopsitta_pileata Forest Omnivore 728878.23
#> Pipra_pipra Forest Frugivore 4953783.66
#> Pipra_rubrocapilla Forest Frugivore 3391760.24
#> Pipraeidea_melanonota Forest Omnivore 2111740.74
#> Turdus_flavipes Forest Frugivore 940921.44
#> Procnias_nudicollis Forest Frugivore 1467436.56
#> Psarocolius_decumanus Forest Omnivore 10475235.80
#> Pteroglossus_aracari Forest Frugivore 3319977.82
#> Pyroderus_scutatus Forest Frugivore 2116677.80
#> Pyrrhura_cruentata Forest Omnivore 10274.69
#> Ramphastos_dicolorus Forest Frugivore 1394133.06
#> Schiffornis_turdina Forest Omnivore 5587673.67
#> Schiffornis_virescens Forest Omnivore 1662556.58
#> Selenidera_maculirostris Forest Frugivore 930797.49
#> Stephanophorus_diadematus Forest Frugivore 1088996.67
#> Tachyphonus_cristatus Forest Omnivore 6338485.76
#> Tangara_cyanocephala Forest Frugivore 444844.92
#> Tangara_cyanoventris Forest Frugivore 475625.93
#> Tangara_desmaresti Forest Frugivore 260465.02
#> Tangara_seledon Forest Frugivore 672563.84
#> Thraupis_cyanoptera Forest Frugivore 224069.57
#> Tinamus_solitarius Forest Omnivore 1069608.94
#> Touit_melanonotus Forest Frugivore 14296.54
#> Trogon_viridis Forest Frugivore 7907953.76
#> Turdus_fumigatus Forest Invertivore 4070825.39
#> Xipholena_atropurpurea Forest Frugivore 1836.59
#> $tree
#> Phylogenetic tree with 68 tips and 67 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#> Patagioenas_plumbea, Patagioenas_speciosa, Pyrrhura_cruentata, Pionopsitta_pileata, Amazona_rhodocorytha, Amazona_vinacea, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.